The Hidden City
It’s the most beautiful city you’ll ever see, she told me.
But if I don’t find it, then the world will forever forget her story…
It’s the most beautiful city you’ll ever see, she told me.
But if I don’t find it, then the world will forever forget her story…
She limped inside like a bird with broken wings. The look on her face made the room feel colder. “They killed him, Rodrik. I saw them hang him. It’s only a matter of time before they get us,” she said. Rodrik brushed his bowl of hot soup aside and wiped his mouth. He knew of […]
The savage cold of Meris chilled my body to the core. It threatened to crush me with its embrace, to choke whatever life was left in me. How could I forget those first days?
The King and his advisor exchanged whispers as the two monks and the Royal Protector stood patiently in silence. Lirios turned his head to face them. “You may leave now,” said the Royal Advisor. Tarnan and Nara nodded, and proceeded to the exit. Gélin hesitated. Just before the monks made their exit, he turned around […]
“I miss the music,” he thought. “The women used to sing such wonderful songs. Full of power and beauty.” Only now was Taro beginning to regret his long journey, as the nightly winds chilled his weary bones.