The Hidden City
It’s the most beautiful city you’ll ever see, she told me.
But if I don’t find it, then the world will forever forget her story…
It’s the most beautiful city you’ll ever see, she told me.
But if I don’t find it, then the world will forever forget her story…
He hadn’t seen the old man since he’d left them all those many years ago. Stewart didn’t know how to feel. His mother succumbed to illness many seasons ago, and his sister Lucy broke contact after she left for the Nine Isles. There his father was, with a grizzled grey beard, and deep wrinkles etched […]
On the snow-covered street leading to the market, Azara sang. It was the only song she knew, a song no one else had heard before. She focused on the song, her voice filled the afternoon with shades of sadness and nostalgia…
Azara was going to take a big risk. She lived on the streets of Oro as a beggar-thief for several seasons after her escape from the Iceborn Isles. What she wanted now was better food. She didn’t spend much time planning her heist. There was a big house a few blocks away from the Frost Palace, […]
“No one in this book can pass through the Shell, you hear me Toftin?” he said, referring to the all-surrounding white walls of Inoria.
Fifty seasons had passed since the end of The Sunder. Memories of the long civil war twisted my dreams into horrid shapes, until I only slept a few hours a night. The memories were part of me, though my old body and mind refused to accept them.
A terrible sense of unease took hold of her, and she assumed the worst had happened down below.
They were too late.
You kept telling yourself that you were a force of good for the world… what a mess you made.
The Prince furrowed his brow, “Come out, whoever you are! Who hides in the shadows of trees?”
An arrow whistled through the air…
The temple desperately needed coin from the brother to the King. The monks baked a special bread for his pleasure, but instead of magic bread, the temple only had a sorry story of how a little girl ran off with the most expensive bread in the entire kingdom.