The Hidden City
It’s the most beautiful city you’ll ever see, she told me.
But if I don’t find it, then the world will forever forget her story…
It’s the most beautiful city you’ll ever see, she told me.
But if I don’t find it, then the world will forever forget her story…
She wanted to explore the planet’s surface, but that was not in the research mission’s protocol. If her colleague will fix the ship, then she will never get the chance to explore the unique planet ever again. She has to get the ship to crash…
“I miss the music,” he thought. “The women used to sing such wonderful songs. Full of power and beauty.” Only now was Taro beginning to regret his long journey, as the nightly winds chilled his weary bones.
There’s nothing like exploring the fringes of the galaxy to figure out what you want to do with your life.
This is the stuff of dreams. The drink of gods, the enabler of magic, and the driving force of our civilization, all distilled in small but sturdy glass vials on a moon forty-seven light-years from our home
Nothing makes a forty-seven light-year journey more exciting than an explosion in a backup vessal.