Hey there.
You love a good story. Everyone’s looking for a story to get lost in. My goal is to take you on a journey through worlds of fiction.
I write fantasy and science fiction short stories. Here, I’ll be creating a loose tapestry of connected and disconnected stories that inhabit the same universe: fantasy stories will be from the world of Mezion, and sci-fi stories will have several distinct planets to visit. There will be stories that won’t be housed in that universe, just to showcase something completely different from time-to-time.
All stories will be unique, and you’ll see them here first.
I’ve been a keen world-builder ever since I was young, and I would spend hours every day creating imaginary worlds with modelling clay. I’ve drawn fantasy lands, made countless fictional maps, and dabbled in making a fictional language for my world.
A favourite moment of mine was during elementary school, and it sparked the writer in me. I wrote stories for my friends to read, and soon they were shared with the class. Our teacher usually dedicated fifteen minutes of reading time every week, and when he heard that I was writing stories, he allowed me to read my stories to the class. My classmates loved them. Awesome guy, and awesome classmates.
The love and passion of creating believable fictional stories has stayed with me ever since, and now I work on my craft, refine it, and make every story that much better. I have enough notebooks full of story ideas to fill a small library, and so I wish to fit those snippets of worlds unseen onto a few pages, and share it with you.
Comments and feedback are always greatly appreciated! I love starting a conversation with a reader, so feel free to reply in a story or send me an email and I’ll be sure to answer back.
-George Talin
Hello George,
A really kind, funny, and handsome man recently recommended to me one of your short stories, as I was at work and quite bored. This lead me to wonder what else was posted on this curious little website.
As it happens, my curiosity led me to “Curiosity”. I did not know what to expect, but must say I was quite impressed. Unlike many short stories, not until the very last moments did I realize Adella was in fact an android. A million little plot trees had crossed my mind, and yet you somehow kept me away from the very obvious sci-fi trope: Yer a robot, Arry!
As a side note, Elon Musk having a Martian building named in his honour tickled my funny bone. Of course he would. Maybe the Boring Company had something to do with Primis’s origins…?
Looking forward to speaking with you again, and possibly finding all those short stories, started but never finished novels, endless maps, costume designs, insignias, and other such fantasy/sci-fi paraphernalia that I too have stashed away somewhere in the dusty recesses of my wardrobe. Nothing to rekindle one’s love for writing than another’s passion for it.